Growth Mindset

Although I had never heard of Carol Dweck before, I've heard about the growth mindset multiple times throughout my life, mostly through leadership seminars, and it is something that I can really get behind. If you don't have the willingness to grow, you never will. The growth mindset is an ambition to learn and aspire to greater things in life. Even those without a growth mindset can change, and start improving at any point in their life. It's not just something that effects children, it's just easier to influence at a younger age.

Growth Mindset
Personally, I first picked up on the growth mindset in middle school, but wasn't really made aware of it until well into high school after attending some seminars. I try to be as positive and growth oriented in all aspects of my life. Every moment is a learning opportunity of some kind, you just have to be ready for it.

Since coming to OU, I've been able to increase my learning capability. It's not that I couldn't learn before, but I now know how to learn better. This might seem a little confusing, but not everyone learns the same way; so if you know what the best way for yourself to learn, you can grow more as a person. For example, when I'm introduced to a new subject, it is very hard for me to learn from purely theoretical examples, so I seek out more literal explanations to better my understanding. I look forward to seeing if there is more I can learn about the growth mindset, as well as bettering my understanding of Indian culture. 


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